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Secure Matchmaking

Secure Matching

We care about your security. Our enhanced 256-bit encryption technology ensures a highly safe online dating experience for all of our members.

Premium Profile

Premium Profile

View our members area for a day at no charge. If you'd like to continue after that first day, it's just $19.63 USD per month until canceled.



Access your account from any mobile, desktop, or tablet device everywhere you go. This allows you to never miss a message and always stay connected.


Vibrant members area with real verified people, no bots allowed (sorry bots)

Fine10's premium social dating app offers a wide range of exclusive features such as personalized matchmaking, real living people, advanced search filters, in-depth personality assessments, priority support, and access to a community of individuals seeking meaningful relationships. Start your membership now!

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Connect Faster

Connect Faster

Welcome to Fine10, we know finding a special someone can be difficult, that's why we figured out how to make an online dating site where process easy and fun! Our dating app is designed to help you connect with like-minded singles that you will most likely vibe with. Simply create your profile, search, match, and chat.

Advanced Matchmaking

Advanced Matchmaking

Fine10's "Date Smart" proprietary matching AI suggests local singles tailored to your preferences and liklihood of a relationship. This algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and life goals. There's no pressure ever here at Fine10, become a member just to chit-chat, or to find a serious relationship.

Creative Communication

Creative Communication

Get ready to experience a wide range of communication tools to help you connect with your potential new friends in the most conveient way, such as instant messaging, icebreakers, and live video chat. Keep in mind you will need a webcam enabled on your device in order to use this feature and enjoy the benefit of live dating chat.

Fresh Unique Methods

Fresh Unique Methods

One of the best ways to get to know someone is by watching a movie or listening to a song together. Fine10 provides you with multimedia options to prove our methods. We've found that members who watch movies and listen to music together before the first date, have a 61% higher chance of a successful long term relationship.

Explore Our Features

Explore More:

  • Profile creation: You can add photos, videos, and more
  • Smart matching: Let our AI suggest compatible matches
  • Icebreakers: Unique ways to start the conversation
  • Messaging: Instantly socialize at any time, anywhere
  • Watch movies and hear music together before dating
  • Join and start your journey to find someone special
Join Today
Create an account with just one click!

Ice Breakers

Starting off on a dating site can be lonely. Fine10 has added in some fun new ways to get the conversations rolling with our Ice Breakers. They get you connected, faster.

Advanced Matchmakers

After years of matching people from around the world, we know a thing or to about finding the perfect person. You enter as many (or as little) preferences, we do the rest.

Always Private

We believe all of your conversations online should be private. When you connect with a special someone on our site, all of your messages will be completely secure.

Features That Work.

  • First, Meet Fine10

    Simply create, relate, and date with ease. This is Fine10's motto. Our platform offers a personalized experience, connecting you with singles on your level through advanced matching and interactive features like chat, ice breakers, and EntertainMatch. With a strong emphasis on privacy, Fine10 make sure you not only have a fun experience, but also a secure one. Whether you're looking for a soulmate, a friend, or simply to expand your circle, Fine10 is the place to be. We at Fine10 say "nice to meet you" and you will be saying that to a new friend soon too. Join today to begin!

**Membership Details: Your membership includes a 1 day complimentary PremiumVIP trial, which provides full access to our platform. After the trial period, your PremiumVIP membership will automatically renew at the current rate of $19.63 per month, unless and until you cancel. To avoid monthly charges, cancel before your renewal date. Your basic membership will remain active at no charge, even if you decide to cancel your PremiumVIP access. Please see our Terms and Conditions for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes online methods or calling us at +1 866-516-5663.

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