They are lazy, selfish, have betrayal in their genes - repeat women. They are looking for Prince Charming, they are conceited, they have seals, they respect only the strong - say men, in turn. How much truth is there in the stereotypes reproduced by both sides, and how do they affect male-female relations? We present the most common stereotypes about men and women. We tell how much truth there is in them. We explain how not to get caught in the trap and not to unfairly judge people who do not deserve it.
This is not the first time I have recently come across a very comprehensive thread starting with a thesis:
- women only care about money! - shout men
- and men only care about sex! - respond outraged ladies.
Here are a handful of statements:
"All of you at the beginning are claiming how affectionate you are and don't care about money, and the truth is that as soon as it starts to run out, you show the other face and problems start. And then it doesn't matter what the guy does to cope, that sometimes it doesn't work out for him what he planned, one thing is for sure that you can do literally anything so that you have that money after all, even change the partner you supposedly loved so much."
"I observe women and I see that very often they fly for cash, sometimes married women friends say that this is the main reason for being with their chosen ones. So how to check a woman? I don't want one that is with a guy for cash!"*
"I met a new girl. Generally everything is nice, but she keeps emphasizing the property status of her friends/colleagues. I don't consider myself poor, however, I'm a bit puzzled by her attitude. How do you recognize a typical materialist who wants to suck every penny out of you? "**
"Yesterday I was on a date with my friend, we've known each other for two years now, he's talked me into going out a few times, well yesterday we jumped out for a walk, in the park of course, where there are a lot of people on a Sunday afternoon. After an hour, I was made aware that all men meet women because they hope to have sex with them in a few dates max. In my life I wouldn't have expected to hear something like that from him, but well, I just thought it was a bit strange to say something like that just on a date with a girl and asked directly if that's why he asked me out.... he answered yes!"***
"When a guy aims to get a girl laid quickly, he very quickly starts telling her what she wants to hear: that she's beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, that he's never fallen in love like that, that she's the love of his life, that she makes him tremble, after an hour of knowing her he's already professing his love for her.... all until he gets what he wants. "*
"It's a pity that there is no advice on how to know it at the beginning, because something like this just happened to me. The guy was fantastic, we went to bed. It was so much fun that we spent probably 20 hours there and.... silence. I won't be surprised if I don't see him again. "*
Begin with the fact that every scheme that limits our thinking, every belief and assumption of something in advance contains only a part of the truth, that is, distorts it. Even if some unpleasant experience with the opposite sex happened to us personally, by generalizing the conclusions, we falsify the picture of the whole. This creates a lot of unnecessary prejudice.
Girls, think about your loved ones - fathers, brothers, friends. Do you also include them among the guys for whom nothing else matters? Sometimes it's only when we replace the word guys/men with concrete examples that we notice how simplistic and unfair our judgment is.
Sure, there are those who have made picking up a kind of sport and do not intend to get involved, but there are also those who are looking for the one and only to create a lasting relationship with her. All it takes is a little perspicacity to figure out who we are dealing with.
I have the impression that the authors of such generalizations see us as creatures for whom the main goal is to find a stuffed guy who will provide them with a quality life. And I have no doubt that such cases do happen!
But if this were the rule, where would the crowds of women who have ideas about themselves and their lives, are creative creative creative and, importantly, make good money without anyone's help come from?
Surely, in the female population you can find both materialists (but among men, too) and altruists who have your account balance and car brand for nothing. In between these extremes is the largest group, which approaches the subject sensibly, believing that money makes life very easy, which does not mean that it is at the top of the list of priorities.
That's why it's not worth drawing the world in black and white, but using other pencils as well.
And finally, a few more circulating opinions of women relating to men:
- are lazy
- selfish
- have infidelity in their genes
- once they get a woman, they stop trying
- are looking for a mommy and a housekeeper
- are indifferent, do not get involved
- they can't talk about feelings
- they can't talk about feelings
- they lack life initiative (the only entertainment is sitting at home)
And conversely, some of the circulating opinions of men about women:
- they are looking for Prince Charming
- are conceited and have seals
- they judge by the contents of their wallets
- they respect only the strong
- are empty
- they treat men instrumentally
- they exalt themselves by demonstrating their superior material position
- or vice versa - they want to "catch" a guy to support them
What do you think about this? Feel free to discuss :)